Washes only 96-well format microplate with U/V or Flat bottom
50 user defined wash protocol
User-friendly windows based operating software with large LCD display
User Interface
5 inch LCD display
Wash head
8 or 12 head manifold compatible
Wash mode
Row and Plate
Wash rows
1-12 rows
Plate Type
96 well plate or strip (Flat, U & V - bottom)
Strip Washing
l to 12 strips programmable
Wash programs
50 user defined wash protocols
Washing Cycle
Up to 12 cycles
Dispensing Volume
50-3000 µL for 8-way manifold or 50-2000 µL for 12-way manifold
Dispensing Precision
< 2.0 % at 350 µI
Dispensing Accuracy
< 2.0 % at 350µ1
Prime volume
50- 1000 µI
Aspiration pressure
Soak time
0-24 hours
Residual volume
:<;; 2 µI for V/ U bottom plates or
:-:; 3 µI for Flat bottom plates.
Number of Bottles
2 Wash buffer, l Rinse/DI & l Waste bottle with sensor, 2L each